A Fair and Inclusive System
We envision a system where justice is not reserved for the privileged few but is accessible to everyone. We seek to create a society where the rule of law is upheld, where individuals are not persecuted for their beliefs, and where the judicial system operates impartially.
1. Enhancing: the Role of the Critical Mass and the Citizen's Voice.
2. Building and Unifying the Critical Mass: Uniting popular voices into a single front to face challenges.
3. Supporting the National Army: Providing support to remove non-national elements from the army and eliminate foreign influences..
4. Emerging Internationally as the True Voice of Sudan: Offering honest political representation that reflects the hopes and ambitions of the Sudanese people.
5. Improving Living Conditions: Focusing on the development of essential services such as healthcare and education.
Post-War Nation Building: Developing national programs and plans aimed at rehabilitating infrastructure and enhancing stability.